Monday, January 27, 2014

Coffeehouse Dreams

I think some people are under the impression that because I have a blog, I am somehow oozing with confidence.  I know I think that about others who write blogs or otherwise publish their writings.  But me, confident?  It couldn’t be further from the truth.  Every time I post a blog or a poem, I literally cringe with apprehension.  I reread it three or four hundred times to make sure that it is not stupid.  I check and recheck the spelling and grammar.  I check the definitions of words that I know I know just to make sure I know them.  Even after all that agonizing reflection and self-assurance, I am still convinced that what I have written is in fact, stupid.

The experience is the exact opposite of confidence.  I liken it to standing naked in front a room of people.  It is the uncomfortable feeling of knowing you are exposed.  It is the slight feeling of shame that maybe you showed too much of yourself.  It is a brutally embarrassing, ego crushing expression of what lingers inside.

So why do I do it?

Writing is one of the few things I ever set out to do intentionally.  I wanted to write.  It didn’t matter if I was good or bad at it.  It held my interest when nothing else could.  I wrote for my high school newspaper and literary magazine.  In college, I sat in a smoky coffeehouse and wrote countless poems about all the wonder and all the pain and all the hope a young girl could have.  There was a post-college period of time when I had stopped writing.  I grew up and gave up on silly words.   I hadn’t written anything in years.   It was after my ten year class reunion that I took up writing again.  I was having a conversation with someone (I wish I could remember who) and we were talking about careers.  I was not yet a teacher at the time and when I shared that I was in property management, the person said “hmmmm….I just assumed you would have become a writer or an English teacher.”  That comment lingered with me and though I was at a point in my life far away from any inspiration, I started writing again and soon after went back to school to seek a career in education.  Why had I ever stopped writing or chasing my silly coffeehouse dreams?

When I think about what I have to give to the world, all that I can come up with is my work, my words and my love.  I don’t have children that will be left to change the world.  I don’t have much of a legacy to leave.  But I do have these thoughts and feelings that somehow live inside of me.  What is the point of keeping them to myself?  All that will do is make me normal.  I don’t wish to be normal, however uncomfortable and vulnerable and agonizing and embarrassing as that might be.  I don’t wish to be normal.  I just wish to be me.

So go create stuff.   Even if it makes you uncomfortable, do it anyway.  If you’re nervous, it means you’re living.  Put yourself out there and see what happens.  The people who truly love you will love anything you create.

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