“The first questions are still to be asked. Let any man bestow a thought on himself, how he came hither, and wither he tends, and he will find that all the literature, all the philosophy that is on record, have done little to dull the edge of inquiry.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
The thought came upon me after asking a friend, in jest, “What is the meaning of life?” I never suspected she’d answer it, let alone with such raw honesty and it occurred to me in that moment that I, myself, had stopped asking myself that very important question. Life, or circumstance, had quelled my desire to know. As I approached my thirties, I became more practical, a reflection of my environment. Such questions were merely entertainment to accompany the Friday
night bottle of wine after “game night” with friends. But after those summer night patio conversations, Monday always came and those questions were left at the bottom of that bottle and so too was my thirst for truth.
And then something tragic, yet miraculous happened, of which I, at the time, could make no sense of. My world turned completely upside down. Everything that was right was wrong, everything good was bad, everything black was white. My own happiness, I discovered, was my very misery.
How could I have lost my own consciousness?
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
The thought came upon me after asking a friend, in jest, “What is the meaning of life?” I never suspected she’d answer it, let alone with such raw honesty and it occurred to me in that moment that I, myself, had stopped asking myself that very important question. Life, or circumstance, had quelled my desire to know. As I approached my thirties, I became more practical, a reflection of my environment. Such questions were merely entertainment to accompany the Friday

And then something tragic, yet miraculous happened, of which I, at the time, could make no sense of. My world turned completely upside down. Everything that was right was wrong, everything good was bad, everything black was white. My own happiness, I discovered, was my very misery.
How could I have lost my own consciousness?
And so here I am…trying to get it back. I want to think about it--all of it—not just the easy questions but the hard ones too. I want to be aware of the life I’m living. I want be aware of who I am. I want to be aware of all that surrounds me. To me, that is the meaning of life…to question, to answer…to feel with the senses nature gave us…to be conscious of our own divinity.
But we can never be conscious alone. Our very reality is dependent on those around us. Energy flows…it is the nature of it to do so. Energy comes in and energy goes out—it is recyclable. The energy that stays with us becomes our truth. But it is not always the right truth—only the heart and soul knows for sure. It is in consciousness and awareness of self that the heart and soul lives. And only in that consciousness can real truth be found.
The same friend who answered my question of the “meaning of life” also confirmed for me that this is, indeed, an important question and is worthy of discussion. So, I open the floor to all of you, to ask your questions and to share the truths that you have found. What is the meaning of YOUR life? What questions do YOU have? I believe we discover life through the questions and discover ourselves through the answers. However trivial the question be, it is worthy of asking. However unsure the answer be, it is worthy of answering.
But we can never be conscious alone. Our very reality is dependent on those around us. Energy flows…it is the nature of it to do so. Energy comes in and energy goes out—it is recyclable. The energy that stays with us becomes our truth. But it is not always the right truth—only the heart and soul knows for sure. It is in consciousness and awareness of self that the heart and soul lives. And only in that consciousness can real truth be found.

Out of nothingness you came
Like a crazy notion
A distant thought
I entertained
And you had something to tell me
Something to say
A message I was not looking
To hear
But there was truth to your
Wonder in your eyes
A brilliance in your
So I listened.
And my mind raced
And my senses awoke
And my palms were wet
With anticipation
Here I was—here I am
Newly born to intuition
And there you are—there you stand
With all the questions answered
What is the Truth?
And how can you know?
So confident in your decision
The day is short
The journey is long
And God is only a vision
So what do you see
When it’s just you and me
And how do you
Like a crazy notion
A distant thought
I entertained
And you had something to tell me
Something to say
A message I was not looking
To hear
But there was truth to your
Wonder in your eyes
A brilliance in your
So I listened.
And my mind raced
And my senses awoke
And my palms were wet
With anticipation
Here I was—here I am
Newly born to intuition
And there you are—there you stand
With all the questions answered
What is the Truth?
And how can you know?
So confident in your decision
The day is short
The journey is long
And God is only a vision
So what do you see
When it’s just you and me
And how do you
Argue with reason?
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