Saturday, February 28, 2009

So what IS the meaning of life anyway: Part 2

In my last blog I posed the question, “What is the meaning of life?” The same question is on my profile. I thought it only fitting to devote a blog to the answer, at least MY answer. Each of us has a different answer and they fall across a beautiful spectrum, sometimes known, sometimes not, sometimes merely waiting for us to find it.

I had searched many years for that answer, as if it would just present itself one day. I found that it is not the answer that need be sought, but the question. It’s was not ‘the meaning of life,’ it was ‘the meaning of my life’ that needed to be asked. I remember the day I posed that question to myself and suddenly realized there were no gods who were going to magically speak, there was no sign that would appear, the answer was not in a book somewhere. After that question and the series of reflections that subsequently followed, I found my world turned upside down and I was, for the second time in my life, haphazardly wandering my way through musty college halls in search for my own purpose.

I had no idea what I would do or who I would be when I decided to go back to school. I had no real action plan, no definitive course. I only knew I loved psychology and would hope to find something there—some calling I had not yet heard. To make a long journey short, I finally stumbled onto my path. I wish I could say it all happened more eloquently than that—that I had a dream and made it happen—but the truth is, I did not find the answer to my calling. It found me.

I am a Special Education Teacher. This year is my third year teaching. My educational background is in Autism Spectrum Disorders but I have taught children with a wide diversity of disabilities. I teach in a self-contained classroom, which means that my kids are not capable of participating in the general curriculum but need extensive one and one supervision and assistance. My kids range from moderately to profoundly intellectually disabled. I teach kids who are 9-12 years of age, some are in wheel chairs, some are not; some can use the bathroom independently and some are still in diapers. Some can eat and others are tube fed. Some speak and others are completely non-verbal.

It was not something I ever imagined I would do. Now I know it is what I came here to do. People tell me all the time, “I don’t know how you do it,” or “it takes a special person to do what you do.” And the truth is, I never knew that I could do it. Now, I can’t imagine my life without these children. I feel a strong sense that we were meant to be together, these children and me. When I first began teaching I was terrified and I did not know if I would have the strength or the patience to do it. I did not know if I would have the stomach or the guts to do it. But something happened to me when I saw their little faces, held their little hands. I knew almost instantly that this is where I belong. If in my life I have no money, no great success—if I have no love or personal happiness, I will have no regrets nor feel any sorrow because I know who it is that I was meant to be.

It has not been an easy journey for me and the path I follow is constantly spitting up dirt in my face. There are daily challenges, tests of willpower, holding tightly to threads of patience. For laughable pay, I am asked to do things that so many will not. But as these beautiful children are my champions, so must I be a champion for them. We need each other and at last, we have found each other.

If you feel like you are not living your own life’s purpose, don’t be afraid to seek the answer to your meaning. Don’t feel as if you need to have a plan or a direction before you set upon your journey. Just go out there and follow what feels right and trust in yourself. You will find your path.

“I took the road less traveled and it has made all the difference.”
~ Robert Frost

A poem for my kids….

Sweet innocence
never lost
your life
you live

No dreams
to disappoint
no memories

People think
it such a
how little
do they

With every
and every
with every
sound of

You lift
me up
you give
me reason
that my
life has a

I was on
a winding

Then I
found you
You took
my hand
at last.

Friday, February 27, 2009

So what IS the meaning of life, anyway?

“The first questions are still to be asked. Let any man bestow a thought on himself, how he came hither, and wither he tends, and he will find that all the literature, all the philosophy that is on record, have done little to dull the edge of inquiry.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

The thought came upon me after asking a friend, in jest, “What is the meaning of life?” I never suspected she’d answer it, let alone with such raw honesty and it occurred to me in that moment that I, myself, had stopped asking myself that very important question. Life, or circumstance, had quelled my desire to know. As I approached my thirties, I became more practical, a reflection of my environment. Such questions were merely entertainment to accompany the Friday night bottle of wine after “game night” with friends. But after those summer night patio conversations, Monday always came and those questions were left at the bottom of that bottle and so too was my thirst for truth.

And then something tragic, yet miraculous happened, of which I, at the time, could make no sense of. My world turned completely upside down. Everything that was right was wrong, everything good was bad, everything black was white. My own happiness, I discovered, was my very misery.

How could I have lost my own consciousness?

And so here I am…trying to get it back. I want to think about it--all of it—not just the easy questions but the hard ones too. I want to be aware of the life I’m living. I want be aware of who I am. I want to be aware of all that surrounds me. To me, that is the meaning of life…to question, to answer…to feel with the senses nature gave us…to be conscious of our own divinity.

But we can never be conscious alone. Our very reality is dependent on those around us. Energy flows…it is the nature of it to do so. Energy comes in and energy goes out—it is recyclable. The energy that stays with us becomes our truth. But it is not always the right truth—only the heart and soul knows for sure. It is in consciousness and awareness of self that the heart and soul lives. And only in that consciousness can real truth be found.

The same friend who answered my question of the “meaning of life” also confirmed for me that this is, indeed, an important question and is worthy of discussion. So, I open the floor to all of you, to ask your questions and to share the truths that you have found. What is the meaning of YOUR life? What questions do YOU have? I believe we discover life through the questions and discover ourselves through the answers. However trivial the question be, it is worthy of asking. However unsure the answer be, it is worthy of answering.

Out of nothingness you came
Like a crazy notion
A distant thought
I entertained
And you had something to tell me
Something to say
A message I was not looking
To hear
But there was truth to your
Wonder in your eyes
A brilliance in your
So I listened.
And my mind raced
And my senses awoke
And my palms were wet
With anticipation
Here I was—here I am
Newly born to intuition
And there you are—there you stand
With all the questions answered
What is the Truth?
And how can you know?
So confident in your decision
The day is short
The journey is long
And God is only a vision
So what do you see
When it’s just you and me
And how do you
Argue with reason?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Being You

The painting on the wall is so familiar
Yet I stand looking in awe as if I’ve never
Seen such beauty before.

And maybe it’s just that it came from you
But it moved me as I was looking
Made me wish that I could stand inside your head
As you were painting.

To know what you were thinking,
To feel what you were feeling,
To see what you saw from the first
Stroke of your brush…

You are a wonder to me
And you confuse me
Your simplicity,
Your complexity;
Your wonder and
Your depth.

And just when I think I know
Who you are
You surprise me
By being you.

~ 2008

Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm at the bar

I’m at the bar
waiting for my drink
Amaretto Stone Sour
without the cherry
the straw is thin
the ice is cold
the glass is sweating
beads of crystal clear
wetness trickle down
you are near me
near enough to touch
and so I do
with my body
I press against you
your crooked smile
and see-through stare
give me an invitation
to dance
we move, entangled
like the smoke from my
I can feel your heart
beating while mine
I feel breaking
like the glass
that holds my drink
I’m shattered in pieces
left on the floor
for you to collect and

Sunday, February 22, 2009

and the Oscar goes to...

It's that time of year again...time for the Oscars! Having been a movie buff all my life, the Oscars were always an "event" for me. Although I'm disappointed to admit that I have not followed movies as much in the past few years, I still try to see as many Oscar nominated films as my schedule will allow, if not BEFORE the big night, sometime after.

I have only seen Dark Knight so far this year and I am feeling Heath Ledger for the win. Meryl Streep nominated again? What is this, her 112th Oscar nod? She deserves it but Kate will take it tonight. My guess for Best Actor goes to Mickey Rourke and I think Amy Adams will take Best Supporting Actress...PLEASE don't give it to Penelope Cruz...she does NOT need the encouragement! And Best Picture goes to Slumdog Millionaire. Either way, I will be waiting anxiously for all the films to come out on DVD then I will curl up on the couch with popcorn and my cats and escape in the wonders of Hollywood!

In honor of the Oscars, here are my personal TOP 10 Best of the Best Picture Winners:

10. Ben Hur (1959)
9. The English Patient (1996)
8. Rain Man (1988)
7. The Sound of Music (1975)
6. Terms of Endearment (1983)
5. Schindler's List (1993)
4. Silence of the Lambs (1991)
3. Chicago (2002)
2. Million Dollar Baby (2004)
1. American Beauty (1999)

And the 'best movies that never won but should have' goes to....

Life is Beautiful OR Traffic (1998) instead 'Shakespeare in Love' won
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)
Who's Afraid of Virgina Woolf? (1966)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

To Have Held You Like That...

To have held you like I did
And to feel what I felt
In that moment

The intensity of
Your touch--
The stillness
Of your heart

The love in
Your fingertips
The hold that would
Hold me forever...

Dream tonight
While I lie next to you
Dream tonight
Of better days

My arms wrap
Around you
And hold you
Oh so tight

And while you sleep
I dream...
Of being your
Only one...

Sooner or Later

Sooner or later on some perfect day
You will realize that you’ve left yourself behind –
Forgotten who you were,
Until a haircut or a brand new shirt
Reminds you of some deep inner passion
And suddenly the concern of being on time
Or having neatly pressed pants no longer matters
You want to be the life of the party
And the hostess at the same time
You want them to applaud you, worship you, admire you
But you soon realize that what you were is what you are
And you long to be held, securely fastened in gentle arms
Even if they must be your own.

written in 1993
with renewed meaning today

Friday, February 20, 2009

It falls so easily

It falls so easily sometimes –
the wall around me
I saw you once and my heart
until I saw you that second time
you thought I could change your world
I knew you would change mine

We both changed
for the better,
for the worse
We faced the blows of
and tore the masks away;
We walked upon the glass
with blisters on our feet
and now we’re broken
the weak pieces made stronger
for only when the wall falls
can you stand beside me

And my wall has crumbled
in the face of your stare

stone upon stone upon stone
I am weak,

You step over the remaining stones
and reach for me
I touch your hand
and I, too, fall apart

weaker and weaker I have let myself be
and so stronger and stronger I’ve become

No more walls to be built
With you I am free.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


The prick of your
An ironic
Not the sharp
Pain I

The slap of your
An odd
And I am
Stunned by my

The sway of your
How trite yet
And I am
Challenged to

The presence of
A strange
And I am left
Searching for

The light in
A sign of
And all I
Can do is

The fight in
A will of
And so I
Continue to

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I’m watching you from across the room
And I know you know
I’m watching…

I’m feeling you from the inside
And I know you know
What I’m feeling…


An imagined

Longing and

And then your hand
Slips softly into mine
Fingers interlocking
Souls intertwined…

You are magical
Like the stars
And the fire

And I am mesmerized…

Hold my hand
Kiss my lips
And let me into
Your world…

Monday, February 16, 2009

I am me.

I’m not going to live long
But I will live fully

Today is my
to Shine

There will be
no ever after

There will be no
setting sun

This is
my life

and it’s
I have to give

At night I see you

And I long for

To hold you
To read you
To feel you
To sleep with you


I am not what I seem
I am not what you think
I am…

I am more…

I am less…

I am me.

It's Not Comfortable

I don’t know what it is with me lately…maybe it’s the place I’m at right now, the result of the struggles I've been through or maybe it’s that I feel like I have nothing to lose…but I’ve been out of my element. I’ve been doing things I don’t normally do and reading things that I would not normally read. I’ve been asking questions that were never before asked.

And it’s not comfortable.

Normally, I would run the other way. Or better yet, I’d be defensive, argumentative, resistant. I’d fight any notion of change. I don’t like change. I’m 34 years old…it’s taken a lifetime to get to this point. I’ve wrestled with so many things, ideas, philosophies, truths and after the fight—you just watch and see where the dust settles—and that becomes your Belief. And after you have let that Belief form and take residence in your mind, and you talk about it and think about becomes quite comfortable.

Until something, or someone shakes it all up. But then what do you do? Especially when the person who shook it all up feels just as comfortable as you.

We hold on so tight to that which we believe…sometimes to our own demise. Do we do this because we don’t want to be wrong? Or do we do this because we don’t want to be uncomfortable?

A close friend of mine compares life to walking along a path. I often think of my own path and what stands out to me is not always the destination but the scenery. The people, the beauty, the ideas that I encounter along that path. The things that I see are not always comfortable, but they are part of the journey. I don’t believe I will truly know the Truth until I reach the very end of that path. And maybe there is no end.

In the end, I’ve decided…I don’t want or need to be comfortable. I want to see life for what it is…for all of it. I want to let myself evolve and grow and learn because I have so much more life to live. So I choose to shake it up…let the dust fly around the room for awhile. Let the elements dance! It’s okay…there’s plenty of time for it to settle. I don’t want to walk the path in stillness. I want the wind to blow, the leaves to rustle, the rain to fall. Afterall, that’s what God put it there to do.

*** I just found this on my computer...written last January. But it still applies...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lost or Undiscovered?

It begins with a thought
Like a seed it is planted
And grows to become
What Is.
Like a tree the
Branches grow
Overlapping and
A tangled sense of
To unravel the very
Path of it
Back to the very
Start of it
To the very thought that
Thought itself.
To have no explanation
To have no birth
Of reason
Is it to be lost
Or undiscovered?
And what am I
If I do not know
And must I know right
Or shall I wait
For time to tell
Or consciousness
To call?

The Coffeehouse

The Coffeehouse

The flame from a match
Seems bigger than me
And lingers longer
Than inspiration
When after a long day
The cold sets in
I go out searching
But always end up here
And I ask myself…

I pour my soul into an
Empty coffee cup
Watching my life pass by
Wishing I could catch the tail
Of some dream
But I wait, I tell myself
There’s always another ride…

And the stars in the sky
Melt together so that
I can’t even find one to
Call my own
But the night still
Comes to me
Through some cosmic will
And those stars still
Light up the sky
To offer hope

As long as there is still
Ink left in my pen,
Still napkins to write on
Still black coffee to
Keep me alive
Still your beauty to make
The time worthwhile
I will write…
I will search…
I will smile…
And I will find
Somewhere in the night
My star.